Starting from:


Genre Packet - Mystery

The genre of mystery offers students a chance to using logic

and deductive reasoning skills when reading. It also gives them

a chance to explore intriguing characters and plots in their own

writing. Mysteries are a wonderful way to get students excited

about reading, writing, and thinking.

Teachers can also help students explore mysteries by taking a

familiar story, draw out the plot on chart paper, and have

them think about elements that can be added that would turn

this story into a mystery. The teacher can draw a mystery plot

on a separate piece of chart paper. The students can think about

and discuss how is a mystery setting different from other story

settings? What is the problem in the mystery and how is

it solved? How do conflicts in mysteries differ from those in

other genres?

This packet contains teaching tips, book lists, mystery vocabulary review, and multiple graphic organizers to help student gain clear understanding of the elements of the story.

Included in this packet are the following elements:

•36 pages


•Common Core State Standards; Grades 3-5


•Understanding Mysteries

•Recommended Books

•Mystery Vocabulary

•Vocabulary Cards

•KWL Charts

•Character Analysis Charts

•Story Maps

•Plot Maps

•Clue Tracker

•Suspects Chart